I`m having problems uploading the videos so I`ll put them up another time.

Hanging out at Macoca

Some of my buddies. Martin, Francisco, Miguel, Willy, and Pollo (yes, that means chicken, and no, I don`t know his real name).

A busy day at Macoca!

Some more friends. Not sure who the little boy in back is. But from left to right are Andrioli, Criceli, another boy who`s name I ought to know, Toni, and Pivo.

Angeli, me, and Criceli

Pollo showing the kids a crab that someone found. It was huge. We had to pose for pictures with it of course.

The underwater feature definitely works.

The boys and Maria. I`m usually the only girl, although more girls have been coming now since I go every day.

Apparently a common pastime with the boys around here. They try to see how high they can get. This was the highest they got.

The bottom of the tower of boys! I love the foot on the head as the muchacho is trying to climb up to the top.

There is always a fight over who gets the concon which is the burned crusty rice at the bottom of the paila (pan). I have never seen a group of grown men and boys get so excited over burned rice.

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