
Another picture my friend Francisco took while we waited for things to dry out a little after we got caught in a rainstorm on our way back from the swimming hole. I can`t remember this guy`s name unfortunately.

The neighbor Santa and her daughter Mari Estel

Santa, Mari, and I. I still look like I could be her mom, but at least a little less so when she`s with her mom.

My friend Francisco`s grandma, Pompea, me, and Rosa the neighbor down the way.

Muñongo, the neighbor boy using my colored pencils. He had no idea which color was which and no fine motor skills but it was super cute to watch him use them. I`m not sure he`d ever used them before.

This little boy is called Muñeco, which means doll, I`m sure you can see why.

A mule with 3 legs. I`m not sure what happened to the other one, but it still manages to get around somehow.

My friend Francisco with his nephew Cafe.

Francisca cleaning house after getting her hair done.

My friend Toni`s sister Dori feeding her blind chicken.

Francisca grating yucca to make fried yucca balls, pretty much one of my favorite foods here.

Eddy, the mayor of El Batey (he`s only 27) and his son Cafe

This is Emily, the daughter of Cruceli, who lives up the road from me.

These are two more of Cruceli`s daughters although I can`t remember there names off hand.