At first I was a little disappointed that I didn't get reception in my house or pretty much anywhere in my pueblo, but I've quickly gotten over that. Now, I look forward to climbing up the loma (hill) behind my soon to be house so that I can make phone calls. (The house where the previous volunteer lived and where I will most likely be living.) It's a steep climb up the hill, in a field full of sheep and goats, but the climb is worth it. The view is incredible. I can see the whole valley and pick out houses and buildings in my pueblo spread out below. I can follow the river by the trees that line it's sides. I can see the green hills that surround us. And if I go all the way to the top I can peek through the fence and see the valley that spreads out to the other side. I included a picture in my last blog of the view from the loma, but I may well include it again because it's spectacular. It's so nice to spend some time sitting up there talking to friends and family, watching the clouds roll in. Monday I took a sombrilla (umbrella) with me which was fortunate because I got caught in a rainstorm up there. Luckily it was a big umbrella and I sat down with my bag on my lap, my phone is one hand and on my ear of course, and my umbrella in the other hand (see picture below) and only my feet got wet, which of course were in my Keen chancletas (sandals) and capable of getting wet as they often do around here. Getting down is actually the hardest part as I found out today when I was bajando (going down) the loma and slipped in the loose rocks and landed on my behind. I don't think I bruised anything but my pride! I still love that loma though!!

This is the view! It´s even prettier than in the picture!

Here´s me hiding from the rainstorm under the umbrella!

Hopefully my house!!

Looking up the loma from the bottom

This is from behind my hopefully soon to be house up the hill and no home in the campo would be complete without it´s own letrine.
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