We arrived about 12:00 to our houses. My friend Kevin lives in the house about 20 yards up the hill from me, which is where we’ll be holding our Spanish classes. I have to go down a set of stairs to get to my house. It’s definitely a more humble home than my one in Santo Domingo, but cute nonetheless. I took some pictures of the house and the views from the back that I’ll try to put up with this post. My new host family consists of Doña Maria y Don Arsenio and their two godchildren Edwin, who’s 10, and his sister Lizbel, who’s 6. I have one of the bedrooms and all four of them are sharing the other bedroom. The bathroom and shower is in their bedroom. Doña Maria brought me a bucket so that if I have to go to the bathroom at night I don’t have to go into their room. We have power for part of the day but it goes off about 7:00 pm, which is also about the time it gets dark. Although it’s pretty cool to have everything be pretty much completely dark at night and be able to see the stars again. It’s pretty cold up here at night. I was wearing jeans and a long sleeve shirt tonight and I actually have a quilt on my bed.
Speaking of beds, I’m laying in mine underneath my mosquitero (mosquito net) and think I’m going to head off towards dreamland. It’s only 8:43 but I’m exhausted from the weekend and all the traveling. So...hasta pronto mis queridos amigos!

View from the top of the hill in La Cumbre

View from the back of my house

My house in La Cumbre. The window on the right is my bedroom window.

My 16 year old cousin Dowre in the buen pan (breadfruit) tree.
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