For Spanish class last week we went down to my house to make a torta (cake) with my host mom Maria. We made it using the fogon (woodfire cooking stove, you'll see in the pictures). It was made with harina de maize (corn flour), azucar (sugar), coco (coconut), leche evaporada (evaporated milk), and mantequilla (butter). Basically you mix everything together and cook it on the fogon for awhile. Then you cook it from underneath for awhile and then you cook put a metal sheet on top and put the wood on top of it. Here's the pictures from the day below. As you can see, my friend Cliff did most of the cooking, with a little help from Juan, our professor, and Kevin. Andrea and I mainly watched and offered our moral support!

Maria and Cliff mixing the ingredients

Andrea eating some coconut she stole

Cliff stirring up the torta over the fogon (which is amazingly hot and my doña Maria can stick her hand in the fire like it's nothing)

My professor Juan stirring the torta

Kevin stirring the torta

Cooking the torta from the bottom

Cooking the torta from the top
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