I´m way behind in my updates now. About a week and a half to be exact and this is going to be a short entry because I have some more errands to run before I catch the bus to Santo Domingo. Here´s some pictures of the rice fields around here. Rice is a major crop in this area which I had no idea of before I arrived here. However, I was talking to a friend of mine the other day and he was telling me what the reality of rice farming is like around here. First the farmer has to buy the seed to plant the rice. Then he has to hire the labor to plant the rice, and later on to harvest the rice. Then he has to sell it to a company that can process it and make it into the finished product. Then he has to buy it in the market to feed his family. In the end he ends up spending more to produce it and buy it than he earns selling it. However, the rice fields have to be one of the prettiest things in the world when the rice plants are mature. They are a particular color of green that just jumps out at you. Here are some pictures for you to enjoy of the rice fields in various stages of production.

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