So this past Monday was the Festival of the Holy Spirit in my little campo. They had told me that a lot of people came, but the truth of the matter is that it´s insane!! The roads were completely full of cards. My doña counted 24 vehicles in front of our house, and that´s not counting all the motorcycles and horses that came through. This included city trucks that came full of people to medium sized tourist buses. The center of town was crazy. There were groups of people playing the drums and dancing palo. Check out the video below. There were people cooking everywhere and selling food to the masses. There was perica ripiao which is another typical music from here that was the basis for the merengue. See picture below. I should have taken video of that too but I was slackin´. Another time. There were venders selling candles and rosaries and crosses and all other sorts of cheap (plastic) religious symbols. The church was so crowded you couldn´t get into it and you could hardly walk down the streets. Craziness!! I could go on and on but time is short and I need to go get lunch. So here´s the pictures and videos. I´m working on my cinematography skills on the videos still.

Some of the cooking that was going on.

This is how they make a delicious pot of grits here in the DR. With lots of butter and salt. It´s super yummy.

Soup a.k.a. Sancocho (which roughly translates to boil)

Perico Ripiao

A horse that someone rode in on!
Drumming and dancing palo.
The road in front of my house.
Another example of the road in front of my house. It was madness!
Woodley, how fascinating the video of the Fiesta - I felt like I am there! And your writings are more and more interesting. I can hardly wait to read them - I look every day and hope for one. Yesterday your Mom and I talked 1 hr. 30 mins. as she described cooking for the retreat - apparently a great sucess. Boy, I trained her well!!!! ha. no she is learning so much every day. She is one great gal. Take care of my Woodley. Love, MM