This is another view of my valley from a different spot. There is corn and yucca being grown in the field in the foreground and the mountains in the background are the foothills of the Cordillera Central, the biggest mountain range in the country.

So I know I´ve mentioned these cactus fences before. But here´s a close-up of how they look so you can get the picture. They may not even be a cactus technically, maybe more of a succulent.

Here´s another picture of the framboyan tree. It´s in full bloom right now and is just gorgeous!

Here´s the little neighbor girl Mari Estel. She´s a little rubia (blondie). Not sure where that came from, but she´s cute. She´s a year and 8 months.

And here´s Mari Estel´s mom Santa. Santa is 25 and married to Manuel who is almost 80. I´ve found it´s better not to ask questions about that. Anyway, they have a 5 year-old who is a handful to say the least. They call him Miñongo (I don´t know what that means)and Mari Estel. I´ll put up a picture of Miñongo if I ever catch him with enough clothes on to be able to post it safely.
Nice post - pictures of fences ..Keep Posting
pictures of fences