Las Ruinas de San Nicolas de Bari
This was the continent’s first hospital. It was built in the early 16th century and was one of the first important buildings built by the Spanish during the colonial period. It’s in ruins now and hundreds of pigeons call it home. In the other picture, the little girl under the arch is Amalia, my Spanish teacher Tania’s daughter.

Street and Church
This street where the picture is taken is in the 2nd Godfather movie. The church in the background is called the Iglesia Nuestra Señora de la Altagracia. The church at one time was almost ruined and only one side chapel was left intact so many believe that it has a special power and ability to help alleviate people’s suffering.

Calle de Las Damas
I mainly liked the horse and the cart which you can rent and ride around the Colonial Zone. But I also got the sign for Calle de Las Damas which was the place where Spanish ladies went walking during the colonial period. In that period women were expected to stay in the house most of the day for their “safety” and were only allowed to leave to go to mass and for a paseo (walk) in the afternoons. The richer families even had chapels built into their houses so that the women only had to leave the house for their paseos. The Calle de Las Damas was the first paved road in the Dominican Republic.

Catedral Metropolitana Santa Maria de la Encarnacion
This was the first cathedral to be built in the Americas, however it took the Spanish crown almost two decades to complete. They think construction started in 1523. It is beautiful both inside and out with lots of Gothic architecture. The view you have here is from the front of the church although now only the side entrance from the Parque Colon is used. The front of the church was taken apart and moved closer to the road three times as rich families purchased their own personal areas in the church, until someone mentioned that it would lose its presence if it was moved any closer to the road.

Alcazar de Colon
The Columbus Castle sits on the Ozama River. It was constructed in the mid-16th century, and Diego Columbus, Christopher Columbus’ son lived there. It’s really cool inside because it has furniture, cooking utensils and vessels, and artwork that were used by Diego Columbus and his wife.

I just liked this view. It was so pretty with the balcony with the flowers and the painting.
How fun. It looks beautiful there.