More pictures of my crazy little girl. All she wants to do is play. As soon as I walk out of the house in the morning she attacks my feet. You can hardly pet her because she thinks you want to play with her and starts jumping and nipping at you. She chases the chickens around the yard, and since I don´t have a rubber ball for her, I´ve taken to throwing pop bottles out in the yard which she can´t quite get her mouth around but loves to try and ends up sending them all over the yard. She´s getting adventurous too. At first, she stayed in the yard, but now she´s wandering out and up and down the lane in front of my house, which thank goodness doesn´t have too much traffic other than motorcycles and animals. And she´s chewing everything. She sneaks into the house, she´s not allowed in there, and grabs whatever clothes she can get to. She´s already chewed holes in one of my shirts, two pairs of underwear, and keeps hauling our shoes outside to play with. She´s a terror I tell you. She knows what no means, but is not quick to stop doing something until you literally yell no at her. I think I might need Cesar Millan, the Dog Whisperer to come train her for me! Anybody got any training tips? But she´s awfully cute, and it seems like she will probably be pretty small which is nice cause dog food is expensive. Here´s a few more pictures of my loca playing.

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