Men´s haircuts here are a sight to behold. I rather like watching it to be completely honest. If there´s electricity then the people who cut hair use the clippers. This usually takes place out in front of their house, sometimes under a little lean to that they´ve run electricity to from the house. After they buzz whoever is getting their hair cut they whip out a razor blade, universally called Gillette here regardless of the brand name. They then cut these very straight lines along the forehead, down by and up over the ears, all the way to the back. It´s quite unusual. Do people do this in the States? If there isn´t any electricity (luz as they call it here which literally means light) then they pull out a pair of scissors and a comb and cut that way. Here´s some photos. It´s not quite like going to a barber in the states!

My friend Thony getting the lines I was talking about cut straight along his forehead.

Thony cutting Rayito´s hair with the clippers, using my sarong as his drape cloth.

Old guy getting a haircut without luz.
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