Then we headed out to the campo for 10 days. It happened to be the first ever patronales in my campo, which is usually associated with some kind of saint. However, being called El Batey we don't really have a saint associated with us so it was really just a big party all week long until midnight every night. Unfortunately, Mom and Dad, and later I came down with gripe (flu), but we still managed to do some wandering around. We went up to Elias Piña on the border to go to the Haitian market, which was huge, but pretty neat. It had everything under the sun from vegetables, to little barbecues, to blankets.
Also, the little neighbor kids stopped by every day to hang out with Mom and Dad. Here's the kids with Dad, Madelin, Cristofer, and Carlo.
And we went and visited my friends and neighbors. Here's 'Leners with one of my favorite doña, Miladi.
Also, Dad worked on some projects. He made a path with cement and rocks that leads from my back step to the letrine, which is so nice because before when it rained it was a muddy mess. He also made a dry well around my water spigot that looks great and again, keeps it from being a muddy mess. Mom took lots of pictures and videos, played the guitar, did some cooking. They both did a lot of reading which you can see from the picture below. I think my favorite 'Leners quote from the time was, "It's kind of like camping." Which I'd never really thought of before, but I guess is kind of true. I got cold water from the spigot outside for washing, bathing, dish washing etc., a nice latrine out in the back, although I do have a nice comfy bed and tables and chairs and a cement floor and a roof, even if the walls don't reach the ceiling.
After hanging out in the campo we went to the beach for a few days. We checked out the rocky beach at Los Patos and stayed at a little Italian run hotel/restaurant and had some great pizza for dinner, then we moved to a very pretty resort called Playazul which had a pool, private beach, a yummy French-inspired restaurant. It was great! Much nicer than the digs I usually stay in when I'm traveling around the country.
Hanging out drinking coconut milk straight from the coconut at Playazul.
Mom and Dad walking down the beach in Los Patos.
It was a great visit and so good to get to show Mom and Dad what my daily life is like here in the DR and to get a little vacation to the beach as well. Thanks Mom and Dad!! Miss you!!
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