Saturday, September 18, 2010

Adrienne Visits

The volunteer who was here before me came to visit in August for a few days before she started grad school. She stayed over a the doña’s house but we hung out quite a bit. We walked around and visited with some of the families she had been close to and she came to a meeting with my women’s group. We also went up to Macoca, my long lost swimming hole. I hadn’t been there in quite a long time and was super disappointed to realize that it had mainly filled in with gravel and sand since the last time I was there. The water was beautiful and clear but my swimming hole had disappeared. It was sad, although the water was still really refreshing. I’m still hoping that it will clear out again if we have a big rain. In fact, it already could have considering how much and how hard it’s been raining recently. Anyways, we went up there with Thony, Elise (the new volunteer near me), and some of the girls that Adrienne was really close to. It was fun. Then Adrienne came over that night and we drank a little wine and chatted some more. It was fun to see her after more than a year and to see just how different our experiences have been in the community. I’m working with way different people than she did, which makes me feel good, cause I feel like I’m reaching a part of the community that she hadn’t, so hopefully I’m spreading the benefits of having a volunteer to more parts of the community.

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