After months and months of waiting and planning and waiting some more I finally was able to get the chicken wire for my women’s group. We had lost motivation a little since last fall when we had applied for the grant and it had taken so long to get processed and up on the web site. Then I had training and my trip home in late May and June so I decided it would be best to wait until I got back from the States. Finally, I got the women together, 11 in total, less than what we had started with but a good group nonetheless. I started doing charlas. First about picking a site and planning a garden. Secondly, I did a charla about semilleros (starter beds) and we made some and planted some tomatoes for the women to take home. Then I handed out seeds to the ladies so that they could get started on their semilleros. Finally, I went and bought some more seeds and chicken wire for the ladies and the nephew of the presidenta of my women’s group took me to town to pick it up. We had a meeting that same afternoon and six of the eleven women showed up. We hung out and talked for awhile and I made plans to buy them a couple shovels, hoes, and picks to share that they can use to prepare and care for their gardens. I sent Thony to town to buy those the other day and he delivered them over to Tima’s house. This week I’ll be doing a charla about natural and cheap and easy to make pesticides that we can use to help with insects. And trust me, there are a lot of pests down here. Something about the humidity must breed more insects. It was particularly rewarding to hand out the chicken wire after so many months of waiting and working. I can’t wait to see what the ladies have done with it!

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