In April, we had a special treat when the Director of Peace Corps worldwide, Aaron Williams (who served in the Dominican Republic and married a Dominican woman) came to visit the Dominican Republic with a group of senators from around the U.S. to celebrate the 50th anniversary. Several of us volunteers were invited to come along with our project partners. Thony came with me and had to borrow a suit and shoes from his brother and friends. I finally had an excuse to wear one of the beautiful dresses that Maw Maw bought me on my trip to the South in November. I must say, I think I looked pretty good. Anyway, we arrived with our invitations to the Embassy all dressed up and there was a cocktail and appetizer hour beforehand as we waited for Director Williams and the senators to arrive. Once they arrived we circled the house and went through the front doors where we were presented to Director Williams and some of the senators as well as the Ambassador and some representatives from the Dominican government. The Dominican Press was in full attendance taking pictures and filming the whole soiree. The Ambassador, Director Williams, one of the senators, our country director Romeo, and one of the volunteers spoke. Afterwards we were treated to a wonderful dinner. It was quite an evening and an honor to be invited and meet this distinguished group of people however briefly.