In March we held the Brigada Verde Sur (the Southern Green Brigade) Conference for all of the volunteers that live in the southwest of the country. It was held near San Juan and I helped plan it, including finding the center where we held the conference. It was a fun-filled and tiring weekend. We had lessons about garbage, the human impact on the environment, HIV/AIDS, recycled art projects, water pollution and cholera, deforestation and tree planting, biodiversity, numerous games and movies and some time spent swimming in the lovely swimming pool. All in all it was a great weekend. I took three of the boys from my Brigada Verde group who live near me in the campo. They are all relatively shy boys who have very rarely left the campo to do anything, so it was great to get to take them to the conference and see them come out of their shells and participate with the other kids that were attending the conference. I had to buy them swimsuits for the conference because none of them owned any. I think they had a good time and I was so proud of how they behaved.