On February 24 we had a Carnaval celebration in my campo that was organized by some of teachers at the biggest school in the community. The kids from many of the community schools dressed up and paraded from the school to the center of town where they had a stage set up and the kids did some great dances, plays, recitations, etc. Of course the parade started 2 hours late, but overall it was a very fun afternoon and evening. Here's some pictures for you all to enjoy.

One of the girls in a beautiful dress with the Dominican flag painted on her face.

A couple of pretty little indian girls

A very serious witch

I loved these outfits with the raqueta (euphorbia) on top of their heads and these green one pieces suits.

The little boys that were with the little girls with the raqueta on their heads.

Check out this little devil. The best part is he has a bunch of school milk cartons and other garbage pinned on to his clothes as part of the decoration.

A beautiful bride who I didn't realize was a little boy until Thony told me.

This costume was made out of plastic bags (fundas). I want to hope that they were recycled ones but they probably weren't.

A troop of short-skirted baton twirlers showed up from San Juan. What they lacked in skill they made up for in short skirts and white underwear.

A little Catholic doña in the making.

These boys walked down the street cracking their whips, which sounds like a gun-shot going off every time it cracked.

Their outfits are made out of paper strips that were glued onto old clothes.
I loved these boys costumes and their little dance.